The campaign was presented with great rains in the months of May and June, allowing a good recharge of the soil profile and therefore a good implantation of the crop. In the months of July and August, the rains were very scarce compared to the historical average and in September the most same were almost double the histories. The temperatures were lower than the historical ones in almost the entire cycle, only in the months of September and October were they similar. During the campaign there was a low incidence of diseases, fungicides being used only in specific cases, a condition that allowed a good expression of crop yield.


Wheat Analysis

Parameters Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Variation Coefficient
Test Weight (kg/hl) 80,10 82,80 81,72 1,12 1,38
Total Damaged Kernels(%)​ 0,16 0,95 0,52 0,36 68,90
Foreign Material(%) 0,22 0,33 0,28 0,05 18,23
Shrunken and Broken Kernels(%) 0,20 0,30 0,27 0,04 16,50
Yellow Berry Kernels(%)​ 4,80 6,42 5,91 0,73 12,29
Protein (13,5% Moisture)(%) 10,3 10,9 10,5 0,3 2,40
Protein(dry basis)(%) 11,9 12,6 12,2 0,3 2,40
Weight of 1000 Kernels(g) 31,49 32,89 32,29 0,56 1,72
Ash (% dry basis(%)​ 1,938 1,988 1,973 0,023 1,15

Grade Distribution


Flour Analysis

Parameters Parameters Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Variation Coefficient


Gluten Húmedo (%) 21,8 23,1 22,6 0,6 2,60
Gluten Seco (%) 8,5 8,6 8,5 0,0 0,43
Falling Number (seg) 376 431 393 25 6,42
Rto. Harina (%) 71,7 73,3 72,4 0,7 0,99
Cenizas (s.s.s)(%) 0,681 0,778 0,724 0,040 5,55


Absorción de Agua (14 % H)(%) 58,2 62,0 60,3 1,7 2,90
Tiempo de Desarrollo (min) 4,5 15,0 8,4 4,4 52,51
Estabilidad (min) 19,0 34,5 27,7 6,1 22,00
Aflojamiento (12 min) 8 24 16 6 38,73


P (mm) 101 137 117 15 12,79
L (mm) 44 55 49 5 10,59
W joules X 10 4 215 260 232 19 8,03
P / L 1,84 3,04 2,45 0,52 21,24

Appendix Of Locality Composite Samples

Sample Identification Wheats Analysis
Sample Number Locality, District or Department Tonnaje Grade Test Weight (Kg/hl) Total Damaged Kernels (%) Foreign Material (%) Shrunken And Broken Kernels (%) Yellow Berry Kernels (%) Protein (MOISTURE 13,5 % H°) (%) Protein (dry basis) (%) Weight Of 1000 Kernels (g) Ash (dry basis) (%)​
1 Delegación Charata 3000 2 80,10 0,30 0,32 0,29 6,33 10,9 12,6 31,49 1,938
2 Delegación Charata 4000 2 82,80 0,95 0,22 0,30 6,42 10,4 12,0 32,44 1,988
3 Delegación R.S. Peña 3000 2 81,90 0,16 0,33 0,20 4,80 10,3 11,9 32,89 1,987

Appendix Of Locality Composite Samples

Sample Identification Flour Analysis
Sample Number Locality, District or Department Milling Farinogram Alveogram
Wet Gluten (%) Dry Gluten (%) Falling Number (SEC.) Flour Yield (%)​ Ash (dry basis) (%) % WA (14 % H°) D. T. (min.) Stability (min.) Degree Softening (12 min.) P (mm) L (mm) W joules x 10 P / L
1 Delegación Charata 23,1 8,6 376 72,0 0,726 62,0 15,0 34,5 8 137 45 260 3,04
2 Delegación Charata 21,8 8,6 376 73,3 0,681 58,2 6,4 29,0 16 101 55 224 1,84
3 Delegación R.S. Peña 22,9 8,5 431 71,7 0,778 61,5 4,5 19,0 24 117 44 215 2,66